Knowledge puffs up. Love builds up (1 Cor 8:1). I write and I preach to strengthen people's faith in love. Let’s face it, I write and preach to strengthen MY faith in love. Faith that you are not defined only by what you do or what you’ve done. But the WHOLE of you. Your experiences, your stories, are your wisdom. The more you tap into that wisdom the more you will discover and embrace who you are becoming.
I’ve tried to organize the posts - the lovely circles - by the topics that inform my preaching, coaching and teaching. I hope the experiences, stories, and wisdom shared here, prompt some supportive insights of your own.
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Claim Your Arena
The arena is where we want to show up, be seen and live brave. Hard work! That why naming our arenas matters.
You Are Enough
You are enough! I find it easy to agree but hard to internalize. That’s why I wear it and preach it and share it because I think lots of us struggle with faith in our enoughness, too.
Three Tips to Get Motivated
Three tips for getting started or giving yourself a break if you seek some motivation.
How People Tell Us Who They Are
My sister ended her life in 2014. Anthony Bourdain in 2018. The same week, you remember, as Kate Spade. That was the first Sunday I was able to speak about my sister's death in a sermon.
Say This to Your Inner Critic
Every day, your inner critic has your inner ear. We get so used to her that we forget just how much she influences what we do, what we say, and what we think.
Problem-Solving With People We Find Problematic
We’re human. But frustration won’t move us forward. So how do you problem-solve with people you’d rather not work with at all? How do you find a solution with someone you feel you have nothing in common with? How do you move towards solutions together instead of getting entrenched on opposing sides?
Embrace Your Doubts
Doubt is a hand being raised by your heart and head saying, “Hello from in here! Can we talk with you, because we have some concerns?”
Vulnerability is risk, uncertainty, and emotional exposure. So, doubt, like vulnerability, is hard to feel. But if that hard (and heart) feeling place is also the birthplace of joy, love, belonging, faith, all the good stuff, then don’t we need to pay attention to our doubts?
Move Forward With Curiosity, Compassion, Conversation
Without curiosity we would never learn to crawl, let alone walk. But as we grow we tend to abandon our innate inquisitiveness in favor of certainty. Curiosity is risky (it killed the cat, right?).
Pep Talk for Pastors
The thing is my friend, you were made for such a time as this (cf. Esther). And you have exactly what you need to pastor and preach and plan and lead, right now.
What Do You Need to Unlearn?
When you unlearn something, it doesn’t leave you. We transcend and include. It is a process of evolving and maturing. It is, surprise, a process of becoming.
What Story Do You Need to Share?
“You need to be more vulnerable. Do you know what I mean?”
Do I?! Ha! Yes, vulnerability is what I’m “certified” to teach! You’ve got to love the divine irony of the Universe. She is a comedian.
Who Are You Accountable To?
As someone who constantly encourages people to give themselves permission, I still need to remember that encouragement is meant for me too.
Giving Yourself Permission
We all need people in our lives that give us permission to be real. Permission to acknowledge what is good, in the midst of what is hard. Permission to acknowledge our strengths in times when we are feeling weak. One person’s permission is most important though.
Practice Makes Permanent
Your practices become permanent, regardless of whether or not they guide you towards perfection. Practices become habits. Which practice do you want to become permanent?
Gathering with Gratitude
Holidays come with a plateful of preparations and expectations smothered in a gravy of “shoulds.” Upending regular routines brings some anxiety. To practice wholehearted living, here are five gratitude practices to get you through.
What is a Daring Way Intensive?
This past week, a few people asked me the same question about the Daring Way™ workshops I teach and facilitate: “What is an intensive? If I’ve taken one of your classes will it cover the same material?” Arianne takes your questions.
Which Work Matters?
Work gives us purpose. We want work that has meaning. As Annie Dillard wrote,”How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” That is the work that matters.
Best Boss Advice. Ever.
The 3 insights from my favorite bosses and mentors changed my life and perspective, and they can do the same for you, too.
Displaced Anxiety
We are all, individuals and institutions alike, reluctant to wrestle with, let alone expose, the dark stuff inside. What shared shadows keep us from reaching out for our neighbor, or ourselves?