Knowledge puffs up. Love builds up (1 Cor 8:1). I write and I preach to strengthen people's faith in love. Let’s face it, I write and preach to strengthen MY faith in love. Faith that you are not defined only by what you do or what you’ve done. But the WHOLE of you. Your experiences, your stories, are your wisdom. The more you tap into that wisdom the more you will discover and embrace who you are becoming.
I’ve tried to organize the posts - the lovely circles - by the topics that inform my preaching, coaching and teaching. I hope the experiences, stories, and wisdom shared here, prompt some supportive insights of your own.
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Giving Yourself Permission
We all need people in our lives that give us permission to be real. Permission to acknowledge what is good, in the midst of what is hard. Permission to acknowledge our strengths in times when we are feeling weak. One person’s permission is most important though.

Practice Makes Permanent
Your practices become permanent, regardless of whether or not they guide you towards perfection. Practices become habits. Which practice do you want to become permanent?

What is a Daring Way Intensive?
This past week, a few people asked me the same question about the Daring Way™ workshops I teach and facilitate: “What is an intensive? If I’ve taken one of your classes will it cover the same material?” Arianne takes your questions.

Build a Container
If you want to walk out of your next meeting feeling like you were an effective & productive leader, begin with these 4 key questions. Whatever your title, you will be fostering community, building relationships, and modeling the heart of a leader who cares about her people.

Becoming a Daring Way Facilitator: Part 1
The smile in that photo was a breakthrough, the day before had been filled with tears. Life is always becoming - a back and forth between tears and smiles, hellos and goodbyes, grief and joy, which in so many ways is what The Daring Way(TM) is all about.

Fresh Air
The work and happenstance of uncovering and discovering who we are is holy work. It is good, hard, spiritual work to becoming whole. So, in this space, in posts, sermons and reflections I want to continue exploring, validating and wrestling with that experience of becoming. Because I have a feeling the essence of my struggles and joys, have something in common with yours.