“Clarity is kindness.”
- Brené Brown

You’ve read her books. You’ve watched her TED Talk (then emailed it to your mom, sister, partner and best friend). Why? Because what Brené Brown says about vulnerability, shame, and courage resonates with you.
You want to show up, be seen, and live brave in all areas of your life. You want to live into your values. You want to live with boundaries and hold yourself and others accountable. You want to understand what “the power of vulnerability” means and how you cultivate and harness that inner strength to make meaningful changes in your life.
I wanted that too. That’s why I spent a week in Texas with Brown and her Daring Way™ team in 2015. And I have been working with individuals and groups to facilitate Brown’s life-changing methodology of identifying your values, cultivating courage, and learning to practice shame-resilience skills ever since.

“You can choose courage or you can choose comfort, but you cannot have both.”
- Brené Brown
I am a Certified Daring Way Facilitator™
Since 2015 I’ve led workshops, classes and retreats, in-person and online, based on Brené Brown’s work.

What is the Daring Way™? Is it for me?
Here are some of the reasons to do a Daring Way™ or Rising Strong™ workshop, class, or retreat:
Big, life changes. The kind that up-end everything. How do I rise strong and live into this new chapter?
How do I live with boundaries, generosity, and integrity? How do you live without resentment towards people you love? How do you set realistic expectations? How do you ask for what you need?
Perfectionism is unattainable and exhausting! I am done with letting my inner critic dictate my days. How can I believe I am worthy of love and belonging and good enough?
What do vulnerability and shame have to do with my job? How does it work – at work? Where do I need to dare greatly?
You love Brené Brown. And you want a more wholehearted life. Period.

“Arianne was a strong, experienced and knowledgeable presence. Loved her attention, responsiveness and spirit.”
- Workshop Participant, Get Unstuck and Flow
“Arianne nailed it. The time flew and she hit some deep items. Definitely have her back.”
- Retreat Participant, Men’s AA Retreat
“Arianne has a diverse background and speaks the material from experience and from the heart.”
- The Daring Way™ workshop participant
“Arianne did a great job facilitating. Kept group engaged. I wanted to participate.”
- The Daring Way™ workshop participant
“Very knowledgeable. Engaged our team.”
- The Daring Way™ workshop participant
“I walked away with a better understanding and view of vulnerability.”
- The Daring Way™ workshop participant