Knowledge puffs up. Love builds up (1 Cor 8:1). I write and I preach to strengthen people's faith in love. Let’s face it, I write and preach to strengthen MY faith in love. Faith that you are not defined only by what you do or what you’ve done. But the WHOLE of you. Your experiences, your stories, are your wisdom. The more you tap into that wisdom the more you will discover and embrace who you are becoming.
I’ve tried to organize the posts - the lovely circles - by the topics that inform my preaching, coaching and teaching. I hope the experiences, stories, and wisdom shared here, prompt some supportive insights of your own.
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God’s life and our life are one life. This is the gift of Christmas. This unveiling of who we are is what enables us to shine our divine light, this little light of ours, in the world. You and I and all the people in those pews are the lights that shine in darkness for one another. In ordinary homes, and ordinary churches, through our incredibly wonderful, unique and ordinary lives.

Seeing is Believing
What do RuPaul’s Drag Race and Thomas Merton have in common? When we can see things as they really are, we see beauty, love, joy, friendship, delight in all things. Not just preconceived “correct” things.

Love Who You Are Becoming: God Does!
Perennial wisdom which resonates in new ways at different points in one’s life. My recap of Richard Rohr’s The Universal Christ: How a Forgotten Reality Can Change Everything We See, Hope For, And Believe.