Greg Cochran

Just what is it about our feelings that we do not want to feel? Is it that we are reminded of our imperfections, lack of control, and inability to manage everything - even ourselves - despite our most glorious efforts? And how much of what we think about our feelings have we examined? To see or try to see where our resistance comes from?

My guest today is Greg Cochran, and like me, some of his early experiences led him to wander away – and directly leave – ingrained teachings about what he was and wasn't supposed to feel and what he was supposed to think about those feelings. Now, in the words of the poet Rumi, he welcomes all of it.

I think this conversation supports us in learning how we can welcome all of who we are - and find, a way to connect with "our desire to move towards wholeness, however, we name that wholeness." Yes – and yes. I'm so grateful he welcomed being in conversation with me.

Greg Cochran is a spiritual companion; executive director at Well for the Journey in Lutherville, MD; adjunct staff for Shalem Institute’s Spiritual Guidance Program in Washington, D.C. and for PASEO Spiritual Direction Program in Idaho; and a minister. He is a woodworker, a photographer, a sojourner with and within Creation, a husband, dad, friend, and a pilgrim in this world. 


Erin Weber-Johnson


The Rev. Cathie Caimano